Part 42: Ancient Mutant Ninja Turtle
Chapter 39: Ancient Mutant Ninja Turtle

This is the only time you'll use this bridge.

Anyway, here's the pirate cave again.


Hello! I'm Krile!

Huh? You speak chocobo, too?

Just a little I think he wants to introduce us to someone.

Boko! You stud, you! Listen, I've got a favor to ask.


He says he already knows.


He says you're leaving on another journey, right?

Boko, is that okay? I know you got the little woman and all...

He says that he loves her... ...and that while he's away, to take care of the babies...


Koko has little ones on the way! She says she'll be waiting here for him.

Koko... Thanks! Don't worry, we'll come back safe!

And so, the real trip begins.

Boko can cross shallow waters.

Is that the Big Bridge...?

Hey, my Airship's still there! Too bad I can't get to it

Hey, it's Tule! Let's do some Tule-based things!

It's a better lead than "Let's go exploring!


A narrow pass that I can't avoid going through? 3 gil says there's plot there.

Yup, a hole.


If you hadn't been riding so fast...

...Boko! I say this is all your fault!

Kweh kweh kweh!

Don't take it out on him! There's nothing he could've done!

A boss, apparently.

The Antlion has a boring physical, Dischord, a spell which halves the target's level, and . With 8100 HP and you only having 2 members, this fight is a boring slug fest.

The boss right before this was Exdeath, so something this simple is disappointing, I think.
I mean, his attack pattern is
Stomach Acid
Compared to Exdeath's massive list, this is nothing.

To escape, do nothing.

This rope eventually appears.

Except the rope is owned by an asshole.

Willing to admit you were wrong to try and make it without me? Heh heh heh...

This part of the game is slogging through pointless stuff to get to the meat. Luckily, we're real close to the meat.

Which one of you decided to me back there?? Try it again and you'll swing from a yardarm!

But... What happened? Why'd you come after us?

I'm just not cut out for being a princess, I'm afraid. Pirating's much more my style.

Pirating, Faris? You're wearing heavy robes and calling eidolons. That's pretty removed from Piracy.

Anyway, here's that cave the guy in Tule told us about.

Of course, it's Ghido. Buckle in, it's an exposition textwall!

The shock of the two worlds merging sent everything topsy-turvy...including me! I'm a bit too old to do much on my back, I rue.

What do you mean, "worlds merging"?

I see you're just as slow on the uptake as before. It's an ancient legend, but I never imagined it was true... According to a legend, a thousand years ago, Burtz's world and Krile's world were one and the same.

The same?!

It seems there is quite the echo in here.

But... why did the worlds split?

To seal the Void.


I fear no matter how often I allude to your ignorance, my dry wit just goes over your head, so I will simply explain. One thousand years ago, there existed a presence of the strongest evil, Enuo. Enuo possessed the power to control the void. After a long and harrowing battle, the people were able to defeat Enuo with the twelve legendary weapons... However, the Void that Enuo had created could not be erased. As a last resort, the people split the crystals into two. To maintain balance, the world split into two as well. The Void was sealed within the space between the two worlds-the "interdimensional rift."

That means Exdeath was telling the truth... He really did want to return the world to how it used to be...

However, without the crystals...

The wind's power will never return...

Nor will that of the earth, fire or water.

Maybe you should do something before it gets infe

Krile that was
a whole fucking branch what the fuck.
But the branch splinter turns into...

Of course!

Mwa-hahahaha... I turned myself into a tiny splinter, waiting for just this moment! Now you can understand my true goal: To take the sealed power of the Void for my own!


Why do you think I merged the worlds together? Mwa-hahahahahahahaha!!!

Oh god what's he doing to Tycoon?

Ohh.. now that the two worlds are one, the interdimensional rift the Void was sealed within is appearing as well!

Wait-so in plain English, you're saying that this Void whatevernot is coming here?

Yes... The Void shall be released from its thousand year prison and into my keeping! The matchless power of the Void shall be mine!

Not a chance, Exdeath!

Well we're fucked.

Not like Tycoon is faring much better.

...I mean, fared much better.

Beautiful... beautiful! Look! Gaze upon the unlimited power of the Void! Watch as it engulfs all in its path! And soon, it will belong to me!

Exdeath's full of Plot! He's invincible...!

Until Ghido flings some DBZ powers at Exdeath?

They're somehow evenly matched?

Not bad, for a reptile!

You think I sat around seven centuries munching on pizza?

Ha ha ha... Perhaps you should have taken the chance... You shall find no such tasty diversions in the afterlife!

So Exdeath flings some of his Plot at Burtz and Burtz and team go flying.

He gloats to no one at all and teleports off.

By Jove, what's that?!

Just the Library of the Ancients...

THE fabled Lbrary of the Ancients? My dear boy, have you any idea what an important place that is!? Oh, of course you don't... To think that the Library of the Ancients was here the whole time... Follow close, children! Within the Library is a book which describes how to defeat Exdeath!
